HERBONA - Buying herbs

The basic rules for collecting medicinal plants:


An important prerequisite for a successful collection is knowledge of the different types of herbs. If you are in doubt, obtain information from specialeaf books and an herbarium. There is now a large amount of herbarium and information on the internet, or consult our specialeafs. The right time and location for collecting herbs is very important. Do not collect them in the rain, at dewpoint, in humidity or other extreme situations. When it is humid and wet, the quality of the collected herbs is lost and the quality is compromised. Collecting in the morning is the optimum time. Care should be taken when handling freshly picked plants to avoid warming them up and thus deteriorating their condition.

Medicinal plants shopping leaf / 2024

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Name of medicinal plant Collected part of the herb CZK / kg
angelica medicinal root 75
aronia fruit 98
artichoke stalk
basil stalk 50
elderberry fruit (without stems) 154
elderberry  flower 178
blueberry fruit 450
birch leaf 47
lemon peel pericarp 40
large-flowered mullein flower 442
oregano stalk 67
oak bark bark 35
bean pods fruit 46
chamomile medicinal flower 194
Roman chamomile flower 520
hawthorn flower 410
hawthorn fruit 52
white hawthorn flower 800
white hawthorn stalk 87
knapweed flower with crown 240
horehound stalk 50
fragaria leaf 98
restharrow root 65
rowan fruit 98
red clover flower 308
white clover flower 150
horse-chestnut flower 150
ribwort plantain leaf 72
white mistletoe stalk 52
herb robert stalk 80
shepherd’s purse stalk 35
yellow sweet clover stalk 37
cannabis stalk 44
lady’s mantle stalk 122
common nettle stalk 47
common nettle leaf 64
common nettle root 45
common comfrey root 82
valerian root 82
great burnet root 110
wood avens root 162
wood avens stalk 70
corn stigma 50
medical lavender flower 132
lilac root 70
lilac leaf 45
nasturtium fruit 180
large-leaved lime flower 332
large-leaved lime leaf 40
hazel leaf 30
lomicamon granular stalk 610
large burdock root 75
tri-coloured pansy stalk 62
red raspberry leaf 64
marigold stalk 150
peppermint stalk 60
motherwort stalk 72
lemon balm stalk 62
calendula flower 200
goosefoot moss stalk 120
tormentil root 130
milk thistle fruit-seed 20
blackberry bush leaf 62
mugwort stalk 40
parsley leaf 50
peony flower 260
lungwort leaf 110
lungwort stalk 65
coltsfoot leaf 75
coltsfoot flower 510
orange peel pericarp 30
ground-ivy stalk 60
marsh mallow root 70
marsh mallow leaf 60
spring primrose flower 710
horsetail stalk 47
common buckthorn root 110
wheatgrass root 45
knotweed stalk 42
rosehip fruit 66
rose (red only) flower-petals 264
black currant leaf 100
black currant fruit 200
yarrow stalk 42
burdock stalk 62
common daisya flower 680
Moorish mallow leaf 50
Moorish mallow flower 455
sunflower flower-petals 360
cream- dandelion leaf 80
cream- dandelion root 100
heartwort stalk 40
eyewort stalk 130
lady’s bedstraw stalk 45
sage stalk 52
sage leaf 55
hollyhocks flower 255
blackthorn flower 230
sloe fruit fruit 60
St. John’s wort stalk 57
meadowsweet stalk 45
thyme stalk 62
common poppy flower 250
willow bark bark-young 30
fireweed stalk 45
hoary willowherb stalk 82
common heather stalk 52
common heather flower 105
centaurium stalk 55
canadian goldenrod stalk 47